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查询关键字:Cori Samuel

[英语小说] John_Halifax,Gentleman_Part3 ( 已完成 )
作者: Dinah Craik 章/节数: 11
内容介绍: This novel, published in 1856, was one of the popular and beloved novels in the Victorian era. It is told in the first person by Phineas Fle
[英语小说] John_Halifax,Gentleman_Part2 ( 已完成 )
作者: Dinah Craik 章/节数: 16
内容介绍: This novel, published in 1856, was one of the popular and beloved novels in the Victorian era. It is told in the first person by Phineas Fle
[英语小说] John_Halifax,Gentleman_Part1 ( 已完成 )
作者: Dinah Craik 章/节数: 16
内容介绍: This novel, published in 1856, was one of the popular and beloved novels in the Victorian era. It is told in the first person by Phineas Fle
奥茨国的稻草人The Scarecrow of Oz
[英语小说] 奥茨国的稻草人The Scarecrow of Oz ( 已完成 )
作者: L. Frank Baum 章/节数: 26
内容介绍: The Scarecrow of Oz is the ninth book set in the Land of Oz written by L. Frank Baum. Published on July 16, 1915, it was Baum’s personal fa
[英语小说] 友谊与爱情Love_and_Freindship ( 连载中... )
作者: Jane Austen 章/节数: 4
内容介绍: Love and F
eindship [sic] is a juvenile sto
y by Jane Austen, dated 1790, when Austen was 14 yea
s old. Love and F
eindship (the
[英语小说] A_Ballad_of_John_Silver ( 已完成 )
作者: John Masefield 章/节数: 9
内容介绍: volunteers bring you nine different recordings of A Ballad of John Silver, by John Masefield, to celebrate International Talk Like a Pirate
[英语小说] Love_and_Friendship ( 已完成 )
作者: Jane Austen 章/节数: 4
内容介绍: Love and Freindship [sic] is a juvenile story by Jane Austen, dated 1790, when Austen was 14 years old. Love and Freindship (the misspelling
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